Our Radiographers are trained and experienced in performing all kind of radiography work meeting all international and local safety regulations. We offer following Radiography Services to meet our customers’ requirements:
ATSi Ultrasonic Technicians are well qualified and trained to perform following services.
Our Latest Equipment, sophisticated software, updated technologies and professionally trained operators produce the best quality of work in a timely schedule.
We have all kinds of equipment and highly sensitive consumables to do all kind of Magnetic Particle Testing for weld pipes and tanks etc. Our technicians are qualified and experienced to do Dry, Wet and WFMPI.
ATSi offers highly qualified, trained and experienced Technicians, capable of producing good quality and better results for your project. Our qualified Technicians can test all types of weld configuration as per codes and standards. We are committed in providing a service that responds professionally to all our client’s valuable queries.
We offer both Leeb rebound and Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (UCI) method hardness testing using latest equipment and trained operators. Our Hardness Technicians are well trained and certified in-house to provide maximum quality-oriented results.
Magnetic Flux Leakage Technology provides ultimate solutions for storage tank bottom plate corrosion detection. Also, MFL provide an unchallengeable equality-oriented result for above ground piping /pipelines.
Pipeline corrosion monitoring is a major task in Oil and Gas industry where the normal thickness survey method provides the thickness reading in localized locations only. Guided Wave Testing is a well-established screening technique to screen the entire length of the pipe to locate all kind of corrosion problem. ATSi is well equipped with qualified Technicians and latest equipment to inspect following
Tube Inspection is another area where we are experts in providing accurate results. We offer the following solutions to our valued customers:
As many restrictions on Conventional Radiography has increased in recent times due to Health Hazards caused by improper usage/Training, the need for Alternative weld inspection techniques such as Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing has been indispensable. Unlike conventional UT we can attain different range of angles & combination of Sectorial & Longitudinal waves at different angles to perfectly scan the entire weld area. The Combination of TOFD & Phased array techniques provide characterization & sizing of flaw accurately. The Phased array ultrasonic Testing otherwise called PAUT provides us with A, B, C & Sectorial scan view as a digital record.
TOFD employs two longitudinal wave angle beam transducers arranged symmetrically opposite to each other, straddling the weld or base material to be inspected. While one probe acts as a transmitter of ultrasonic energy & the other probe receives the ultrasonic energy. Measurement of the Time of Flight of the diffracted beam enables accurate and reliable flaw detection & sizing, even if the defects are not oriented to the initial beam direction. TOFD can also be used for detecting irregularly shaped areas of metal loss during corrosion inspections and is highly sensitive to all weld flaw types.